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My Brother's Keeper Alliance

In 2018, The Obama Foundation launched the My Brother’s Keeper Community Challenge Competition (MBKCCC) to identify and invest in select communities making steady progress in improving the lives of boys and young men of color (BYMOC). The Foundation awarded two-year grants to 19 Competition winners across 10 states and Puerto Rico: 10 Impact Communities, five National Seed Communities, and four Chicago Seed Communities. The vital important work of these 19 grantees serve as national models for reducing youth violence and growing effective mentorship programs.

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The work of creating lasting, improved outcomes for boys and young men of color begins locally.

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About the Competition

The Call for Communities Making Steady Progress in Improving the Lives of Boys and Young Men of Color

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Community Highlights

As a result of the The MBK Community Challenge Competition, MBK Alliance selected 19 organizations across 10 states and Puerto Rico as national models to expand initiatives to reduce youth violence, grow effective mentorship programs

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Navigating the Pandemic

MBKCCC funding from 2020-2021 occurred amidst the backdrop of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the resulting economic hardship, and nationwide racial justice uprisings.

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The Path Forward

At My Brother’s Keeper Alliance, we believe that communities are the unit of change to realize improved life outcomes for boys and young men of color.

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