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President Obama accepts the 2017 Centennial John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award

President Obama holds the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award. He is joined on stage by Michelle Obama and five others.

"Courage, President Kennedy knew, requires something more than just the absence of fear. Any fool can be fearless. Courage, true courage, derives from that sense of who we are, what are our best selves, what are our most important commitments, and the belief that we can dig deep and do hard things for the enduring benefit of others."

Last month, we asked you to share stories of those in your own life who show extraordinary courage. You delivered.

"I am a teacher in a small rural school. We have about 450 students 7-12, most of whom are on free and/or reduced lunch. We are black, white, Asian, Indian, special needs, all in the same building. My students do not see or acknowledge those differences, and that is what makes them my heroes. These kids are a family, and I witness this daily, in the classroom and on the sports field. I look forward to teaching every day, not because it is easy, but because of the courage that these kids show every single day. In 30 years of teaching, I have never been so proud of a group of kids as I am today."

—Julie H., Cassopolis, MI

Jacqueline C.

"Every parent, teacher, and caregiver who looks a child in the eyes and says, 'You are enough! You are amazing. You are goodness and you deserve goodness in return.' These are the brave citizens who are creating positive change in our world. I am grateful to all who lift and inspire our young ones to shine."

—Kim F., Singapore

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