MBK Framework to affect systems change – a guide for driving systems change for boys and young men of color (a sneak peek)

This year, we convened national and local leaders and organizations to help us wrestle with ways to better support MBK communities as they continue to build racial equity for boys and young men of color.
The result of that year-long effort is the MBK Framework to Affect Systems Change. The MBK Framework is a resource designed for any community looking to improve the lives of boys and young men of color. The Framework has been rigorously developed to offer principles and best practices, so that communities can implement proven strategies, policies, and programs to change the trajectories of boys and young men of color across the country. The MBK Framework identifies core values that drive our work, and provides tools and guidance to help communities achieve key elements of success. It is designed to be used by cities, counties, and Tribal Nations to focus and accelerate efforts for boys and young men of color in their respective communities; it should be used as a tool to assess and organize where to invest resources.
The MBK Framework to Affect Systems Change is comprised of four components: a set of governing core values, a self-assessment that can help you measure your community’s progress in improving the lives of boys and young men of color, a roadmap and toolbox that provides resources and next steps based on your assessment result, and a storymap, which provides case studies and profiles of successful communities.
This framework brings together the work of over 15 national partners who have researched and developed promising practices in cradle-to-career strategies, racial equity, collective impact, and strengthening local governments. It follows in the footsteps of other cross-sector collaborations looking to achieve systemic transformation for youth and communities, including Promise Neighborhoods (Opens in a new tab), StriveTogether (Opens in a new tab), Cities United (Opens in a new tab), and the Opportunity Youth Network..
The Framework is currently being piloted in more than 20 MBK Communities across the country, and we anticipate its release to all MBK Communities and other interested parties in 2020. We want to take a moment to recognize the tremendous work of the MBK Framework Committee who have joined forces with us this past year to co-create the MBK Framework to Affect Systems Change.
Special thanks to the Aspen Institute Center For Native American Youth, Bloomberg Associates, Campaign For Black Male Achievement, City Of Denver/MBK, Cities United, Executive Alliance For Boys And Men Of Color, FSG, Mentor, National League Of Cities, New York State Education Department – My Brother’s Keeper, Policylink, and StriveTogether for your tremendous partnership.