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Workshop Series

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First Steps: Police Accountability and Reforms

Understanding problems in policing, a range of potential reforms to address them, and common challenges in between.

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Community-Centered Innovations in Public Safety

Exploring the wide range of policing and public safety options tested around the country.

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How to Create a Representative and Open Public Review Process

Creating opportunities for activists and elected officials to engage in authentic conversation.

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Insights from Black Law Enforcement Leaders on the Future of Policing

Unique perspectives on the historic protests and calls for police reform in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.

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Data in Policing: Collection, Transparency, and Civil Liberties

Perspectives on best practices, tools, and opportunities for leveraging data, while ensuring the civil liberties of historically marginalized groups.

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The Future of Public Safety

New approaches and resources to create policing practices that ensure equal justice for everyone.

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Reimagining Policing in the Face of White Supremacy

A frank conversation about the reality of reimagining policing as white supremacy and white supremacist violence have grown in the United States.

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Money for Change: Resources for Reform

A special presentation on federal resources for reform efforts.

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Spotlighting Reforms and Progress

This town hall—in conjunction with the release of our new report— highlights the progress made in communities across the country and the work that remains to build communities that are more safe and just for everyone.

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Alternatives to Arrest

In this conversation, we discussed how participants can develop diversion programs in their communities.

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