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My Brother's Keeper Alliance

Vision: If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll End Up Somewhere Else

MBK Framework - Vision: If You Don’t Know Where You’re Going, You’ll End Up Somewhere Else

MBK Communities create a common understanding – through research, data and input by all stakeholders and boys and young men of color- of the relevant issues and conditions within their communities. That information helps the development of a well defined plan action with the flexibility for additional learning and continuous change.

Vision Statement

MBK Communities create and formalize a vision statement.

Shared Agenda/Local Action Plan

Partners collectively develop a shared vision based on the Local Action Plan, Policy Scan and execute SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results-Oriented, Time-Bound Goals impacting Boys and Young Men of Color).

Community Spotlight - Rochester

MBK Rochester, from its founding has been spearheaded by the Mayor who convened a group of community leaders, clergy, educators, and law enforcement – to conduct a SWOT (strength/weakness/opportunity/threats) analysis to identify specific areas for opportunity, and create a mechanism for city organizations and nonprofits to communicate and collaborate.

Rochester’s Local Action Plan was developed following the SWOT. It is focused on laying the groundwork to align current and future work taking place across the community under a common framework that will improve and strengthen educational opportunities, pathways to employment and health outcomes so that young people can reach their full potential. The MBK Team attributes their success to a shared agenda and top down support from the Mayor and the city. Ray Mayoliz, MBK Rochester Coordinator, shared that “fidelity to the model” and buy-in helped align all of the members of their working group, and investment from the mayor anchored the work of MBK “with the tentacles to peel back red tape and make real change”. This support and clarity of agenda have kept the MBK Rochester priorities going over the last seven years and sustain progress.

Steps to Improvement

  • Draft a vision statement.

  • Develop an intermediate vision statement and revised vision statement after stakeholder network provides feedback.

  • Finalize the vision statement with engagement and buy-in from all stakeholders currently engaged.

  • Host a Local Action Summit.

  • Commit to a shared agenda.

  • Document all stakeholder working groups reaching out to their networks to review and adopt the agenda.

  • Develop a Local Action Plan.

  • Hold regular stakeholder meeting and review progress and shared processes and outcomes.

  • Develop a multi-year action plan.