My Brother's Keeper Alliance
MBK Communities must build focused leadership, strong partnerships, a firm long-term infrastructure, continuous funding mechanisms and focused goals for sustainability. Leaders and stakeholders may change over time, but the consistent plan, backed by a strong infrastructure, must endure for the sake of the community and boys and young men of color.
Local Governing Body
The advisory board/steering committee of diverse community stakeholders has been established with decision- making authority. System leaders plays a lead role in the advisory/ governing body showing deep local commitment to addressing challenges facing Boys and Young Men of Color and ensures a wide array of partners are engaged in the effort. Local, state or federal system leaders may be included.
MBK Community Backbone
The backbone entity has in place the necessary capacity to facilitate data collection, communication, convenings, workgroups, community engagement and local actions. The backbone entity has established a sustainability plan for staff capacity and operations.
Sustainable and Adequate Funding
Local funders (philanthropic or corporate) are mobilized to make financial commitments aligned to the strategies and solutions identified in the Local Action Plan to support Boys and Young Men of Color. Funders and partners allocate, align, and commit significant resources to support Boys and Young Men of Color.
Alignment with Other Collaborative Efforts
Communities coordinate with other cradle-to-career and equity initiatives (such as Strive Together or Promise Neighborhoods) to align around targeted outcomes; define communitywide moves; potentially combine tables, where applicable).
City and Regional Working Groups
Define working groups and use common language and common SMART goals in cross-sector collaborations aligned to the Local Action Plan. Partners own specific outcomes and processes within the Local Action Plan and integrate these plans into their organizations’ overall strategy.