My Brother's Keeper Alliance
As President Obama said when he launched MBK, the initiative is about “building on what works when it works, in those critical life-changing moments.” Selecting strategies with proven results along the 6 MBK milestones means making a commitment to use data to inform and improve service delivery, and working to develop and scale interventions with evidence of success to ensure all young people can reach their full potential.
Evidence-based Strategies and Six MBK Milestones
Partners select and implement evidence-based strategies along the six milestones and evaluate effectiveness in the current climate and community.
Existing Partnerships and Programs
Partners build strategies on existing resources and partnerships in the community and align them to increase cross-cutting impact on BYMOC. Partners pool existing funding and programs across sectors to leverage greater impact on BYMOC.
Reinforcing Plans and Activities Through Collaboration
Partners develop new programs and activities coordinated along the goals of the Local Action Plan. Partners collaboratively define activities, programs and supports that ALL community leaders and stakeholders must provide.