My Brother's Keeper Alliance

MBK Framework - Creative and Practical Approaches to Evidence- Based Strategies
MBK Communities employ a creative and collaborative approach to evidence-based strategies and practices that work. Communities address both policies and systems that perpetuate gaps for boys and young men of color and build upon already existing resources and partnerships to maximize impact.
Action Steps
Select comprehensive, evidence-based BYMOC strategies. Explicitly identify and select the milestones and strategies (within the 6 MBK focus areas) that your community will focus on
Convene stakeholders to identify the key MBK milestones the BYMOC community will collectively take to advance this work in their community
Evaluate the current landscape of effective strategies for cities
Identify at least one limited capacity, moderate to high impact strategy for one of the six MBK milestones
Identify at least one intermediate capacity, moderate to high impact strategy for one of the six MBK milestones
Identify at least one advanced capacity, moderate to high impact strategy for one of the six MBK milestones
Tally and leverage already existing resources and partnerships that stakeholders are already invested in. Improve current strategies to match evidence-based practices. Scale practices that already show evidence of moving the needle
Create an online database of promising policies, practices, and procedures that cities can take to improve outcomes for BYMOCdatabase or network to collect case studies
Develop, publish, and distribute Stakeholder Assessment Map showcasing all the BYMOC work happening in the city
Identify at least one example that you can apply to your MBK work
Submit a promising policy, practice, or procedure not already included in the database
Coordinate and engage numerous systems and partners with mutually reinforcing activities
Develop a Program schedule / schedule of events
Obtain partner commitments connected to programs and events
Organize / convene and garner commitment from partners to produce an introductory program or event for BYMOC
Organize / convene and garner commit from partners to produce / support multiple long-term programs for BYMOC
Creative pairings – identify creative combinations of partners and programs to address multiple issues at once (ex. police mentoring youth, youth training police)