My Brother's Keeper Alliance

MBK Framework - Build Common Vision, Agenda and Understanding of Racial Equity
MBK Communities create a common understanding of racial equity and the conditions within their community using data and develop a well-defined plan of action with flexibility for additional learning.
Action Steps
Define and activate citywide working groups to formulate recommendations for actions in your local plan and agenda
Develop a LOCAL ACTION PLAN: a cross-collaborative community action plan that publicly announces the shared vision for BYMOC success in your community. This Local Action Plan should outline which of the 6 milestones your community will impact, SMART Goals(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Results- Oriented, Time Bound): WHAT milestones and success you will achieve, HOW you will achieve this success through specific strategies, WHO is involved in implementation and delivery, and BY WHEN will we see results? Protocol for tracking data, benchmarks and timelines for review, and a blueprint for resourcing your efforts.
Partner meetings held regularly to review progress / shared processes and outcomes
Convene a Local Action Summit with your coalition of diverse stakeholders
Confirm your community’s pledge to build and execute a plan of action – committed stakeholders sign on to commit to your local action plan
Conduct a SWOT / SOAR analysis of your community – what is going on socially, politically, legislatively, programmatically in your community that should be considered
Ask all stakeholder working groups to reach out to their networks to review and adopt the Local Action Plan agenda
Use data to understand and identify high level challenges facing BYMOC in your city across various systems – including: education, housing, criminal justice, poverty, employment, health, etc.
Collect and disaggregate disparity data: Identify high level challenges facing BYMOC in your city across various systems
Conduct a Staff assessment; intro racial equity training which lays out historical context; produce / share a toolkit of common definitions; key terms in racial equity landscape; achieve understanding distinction between equality and equity
Conduct a staff and institutional assessment; two-part racial equity training series
Conduct a staff, institutional, and stakeholder assessment; three-part racial equity training series
Conduct a staff, institutional, stakeholder, and data assessment; four-part racial equity training series [4th would be train the trainer package to be able to sustain the ongoing need for training / refresh]; partners collectively review locally available data and indicators of high-level challenges facing BYMOC and release a baseline report card;
Draft a Vision statement for the the MBK Community
Develop Intermediate vision statement
Develop Final vision statement with engagement and buy in from all stakeholders currently engaged
Revise vision statement after stakeholder network provides feedback