My Brother's Keeper Alliance
Certified Communities
MBK Certification is a process that supports a community to achieve population level impact for boys and young men of color in one or more of the six My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Milestones.
MBK Certification
Certification is achieved by building a collective impact infrastructure aligned with the MBK Equity Framework, documenting those efforts in the MBK Online Platform and receiving formal approval from MBK Alliance. Each Certified Community maintains their certification by participating in ongoing continuous improvement towards population level impact as a part of the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance Leadership Network.
Start an MBK Community
Are you and your organization interested in joining your local MBK Community or looking to start a new MBK Community in your city or state? Register today to learn more about becoming part of the MBK Leadership Network.
Register TodayOur Certified Communities
MBK Baton Rouge, LA
MBK Boston, MA
MBK Cincinnati, OH
MBK Cleveland, OH
MBK Columbus, OH
MBK Dayton, OH
MBK Denver, CO
MBK Durham, NC
MBK Las Vegas, NV
MBK Mansfield, OH
MBK Maywood-West Cook, IL
MBK Milwaukee, WI
MBK Nashville, TN
MBK New York City, NY
MBK Ohio State
MBK Orlando, FL
MBK Pittsburg, CA
MBK Portage County, OH
MBK Sacramento, CA
MBK Salt Lake City, UT
MBK San Antonio, TX
MBK Summit County, OH
MBK Uniondale, NY
MBK Washtenaw, MI
MBK Winston-Salem, NC
MBK Youngstown, OH