My Brother's Keeper Alliance

Meet the Speakers at MBK Rising!
MBK Rising! is a convening that will bring together in Oakland the growing network of MBK Communities, elected officials, cross-sector leaders, and young men of color and the organizations working hard to help them achieve their dreams. Get to know the incredible lineup of speakers we’ve assembled, from the private sector to the public sector, from nonprofits to NGOs, from the sciences to the arts.

President Barack Obama
44th President of the United States

Stephen Curry
Golden State Warriors

John Legend

Karamo Brown
Star of Netflix’s “Queer Eye”
Recording Artist, Songwriter, Actress
Adeoye Adeyemo
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Angelique Albert
The American Indian Graduate Center
Zinnia Alejandro
Taller Salud, Violence Interrupters (Loiza, PR)
Dr. Anael Alston
Education for the NY State Education Department
Marshaun Bacon
Maȟpíya Black Elk
Hiyupo Alliance Director of Programs
Kara Bobroff
NACA Inspired Schools Network
Thabiti Boone
International Representative, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
London Breed
San Francisco Mayor
Travis Bristol
University of California, Berkeley
Rhonda Bryant
Forward Promise
Miguel Cambray
Director of Career Pathways, READI Chicago Heartland Alliance
Ben Carlton
BMe Community
Christian Champagne
Chris Chatmon
Oakland Unified School District
Raymond Colmenar
The California Endowment
Ryan Coogler
Victor Cruz
Former NFL Receiver
Tom Dillon
The Literacy Lab
Shawn Dove
Campaign for Black Male Achievement
Commissioner MaryEllen Elia
Education for the NY State Education Department
Robert Fairchild
Fatherhood Mentoring Initiative Advisor, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Edward Fergus
Temple University
Bisa French
Assistant Chief, Richmond Police Department
Ivan Garcia
Oakland Youth Advisory Committee, MBK Oakland
Kiere Garrett
City Arts and Tech High School, MBK San Francisco
Alicia Garza
National Domestic Workers’ Alliance and Black Lives Matter
Linda Gibbs
Harry Grammer
Obama Foundation Fellow, New Earth
Efrain Gutierrez
Impact and Evaluation Manager, Obama Foundation
Jerron Hawkins
My Brother’s Keeper/ White House Mentorship and Leadership Program
Malachi Hernandez
MBK Youth Advisory Council
Chet Hewitt
Sierra Health Foundation
Vincent Holmes
County of Los Angeles
Adrian Huerta
University of Southern California
Ericka Huggins
Former Black Panther Party
Broderick Johnson
MBK Advisory Council
Deandre Johnson
Richmond Office of Neighborhood Safety
Rev. Wanda Johnson
Oscar Grant Foundation
Damon Jones
Global Communications & Advocacy at Procter & Gamble
Michael B. Jordan
Actor and Producer
Kimberlyn Leary
Harvard Medical School
Tony Lewis Jr.
Re-Entry Expert & Author of Slugg: A Boy’s Life in the Age of Mass Incarceration
Senegal Mabry
MBK Youth Advisory Council
Julio Marcial
Liberty Hill Foundation
Alise Marshall
Public Welfare Foundation
Greisa Martinez
Deputy Executive Director, United We Dream
Karol Mason
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Rep. Lucy McBath
Mother of Jordan Davis
Nelson McCoy
Coordinator, National Iota Youth Alliance, Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.
Noah McQueen
MBKA Mentee
Kent Mendoza
Anti-Recidivism Coalition (ARC)
Robert K. Ross, M.D.
The California Endowment
Noel Pinnock
City of Houston
Stephen Powell
Chief Programs and Partnerships Officer, National CARES Mentoring Movement; Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
Dr. Nii-Quartelai Quartey
Dr. Edwin Quezada
Yonkers Public Schools
Marco Antonio Quiroga
Contigo Fund
Anthony Rendon
California State Assembly
Alberto Retana
President & CEO, Community Coalition
Anthony Robles
Youth Justice Coalition
Rashad Robinson
Color of Change
MJ Rodriguez
Actress and Activist
Brandon Ros
Asian Pacific Islander Youth Promoting Advocacy and Leadership (AYPAL)
Topeka K. Sam
The Ladies of Hope Ministries
Shaka Senghor
Anti-Recidivism Coalition
David Shapiro
MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership
Jim Shelton
MBK Alliance Advisory Council
Dr. Robert Simmons
Maya Angelou Public Schools
Michael Smith
Erik Stegman
Aspen Institute
Charles Stephens
Executive Director, The Counter Narrative
Susan Taylor
CARES Mentoring Movement
Mama Alice Thompson
Black Family Development
Aminata Toure
Member of Parliament, Germany
Nero Ughwujabo
Special Adviser to the Prime Minister on Social Justice and Young People, United Kingdom
Sam Vaughn
Office of Neighborhood Safety, Richmond CA
Edgar Villanueva
Vice President of Programs and Advocacy, Schott Foundation
L-Mani Viney
Executive Director, Kappa Alpha Psi Foundation
Ron Walker
Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color
Anthony Watson
Youth Guidance
Keith Wattley
Obama Foundation Fellow, UnCommon Law
Torie Weiston-Serdan
Youth Mentoring Action Network
Rory Wheeler
MBK New York State and Tribal Youth
Jenabu Williams
International Director, Sigma Beta Club, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Earl Wilson
Chairman,Fatherhood Initiative Mentoring, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Dr. Lester Young
New York State Education Department Board of Regents