Natalia Herbst
APolitical Foundation

Director for Latin America Strategy & Development
Natalia is an Obama Scholar-Columbia ‘19 with over 10 years of experience in local and national government and political campaigning in Argentina. In 2023 she was a member of President Obama’s Inclusive Economies Working Group. She currently is Director for Latin America Strategy at Apolitical Foundation, where she works building a hub to strengthen the democracy innovation ecosystem in the region, and a member of Publica Lab, where she works with private sector founders building narratives about their and the sector’s leadership role in society. In her appointment as National Director for Community Organizations at the National Youth Institute, her work focused on developing youth-centered public policy impacting +1.5 million youth across the country. This was done by focusing on shifting paradigms around government engagement with youth. She holds a BA in international studies (UTDT) and an MA in development studies (IDS-Sussex). She is a JICA, Fulbright, ROI, and Aspen Ideas Fellow alumni.